Resilient Society
As a civil society organization, BEKAM addresses topics that need to be negotiated to shape a future vision on a monthly basis. The planned meetings aim to provide an opportunity for analytical evaluation of issues discussed with experts and individuals holding diverse perspectives. The process includes determining session titles, identifying relevant participants, establishing subtopics for discussion, preparing the necessary physical environment for the meetings, designating rapporteurs, and preparing a final report.
A planning methodology that is both participant-oriented and open to collaboration is adopted, with the goal of creating collective intelligence. The objective is to develop the most ideal scenarios—without detaching from reality—by engaging twenty responsible participants who are experts in their fields and whose claims are substantiated by accountability. These scenarios will then be transformed into innovative strategies.
Participant Profile
Participants are identified by the organizing committee. Individuals with relevant literature on the focused topic—such as articles, book chapters, or similar works—are specially invited. Invited participants receive preliminary information about the discussion topics and are asked to prepare a written or oral presentation prior to the program.
Program Outputs
Rapporteurs, appointed by the organizing committee, attend each focus group meeting and take notes. Audio recordings are made, and any gaps in the notes are supplemented from these recordings. Participants are expected to contribute both verbally and in writing. The collected notes are then reviewed and transformed into a final report. A meeting report is prepared and published in PDF format within one month of each meeting. At the end of the year, all meeting reports will be compiled into a book titled the "2023-2024 BEKAM FOCUS GROUP MEETINGS REPORT."